Sunday, January 3, 2010

back at it.

no more messing around. the holidays are officially over and I have to get back to work! who wants to share some inspiration with me? I don't think anyone reads this blog (okay, maybe my mom and my sister do), but if YOU do I would love for you to send me a link of anything you are loving these days....clothes, shoes, bags, photography....anything. inspire me!!
completely unrelated, but here's a picture of me and the hubby over the thanksgiving holiday. bye!


Anonymous said...

wow! you've come along way from hanging fabric up on the walls of ur dorm room!! u always were a crafty lil one. its edisa. just wanted to send a shout. beautiful work....thumbs up!!

j. almodovar said...

edisa! what a surprise! thanks for checking up on me. hope you are well! keep in touch